2024 Chamber Music Encounters Director Registration

    This intensive music program brings together some of the best high school string chamber ensembles in Illinois. Students have the opportunity to work with NIU faculty members and the renowned Avalon String Quartet. Activities include:

    • Faculty performance
    • Group discussions
    • Coaching sessions
    • Master classes
    • A final performance
    Please see the form for details regarding hotel room reservations and payment.

    Questions? Please contact Kristin Sherman at ksherman2@niu.edu or Austyn Menk at avmenk@niu.edu.

    The deadline to register following ensemble acceptance is March 27, 2024. 
    School Address
    School Address
    Ensemble Information
    Piece(s) performed on recording with instrumentation and student names (if there is more than one group, list all of them separately):
    Accommodations: Guests of the event will stay in the Holmes Student Center Hotel on campus within walking distance of the Music Building. Students will be housed 2 per room and adults 1 per room. Please list the names and genders of your party so we can arrange the rooms.
    Registration Fees
    Directors and Chaperones - $100/per person 
          Non-residential fee - $20/per person
    Students - $140/per person
          Non-residential fee - $100/per person

    Make checks payable to Northern Illinois University and mail to the address below by April 5, 2024.

    VPA External Programs
    College of Visual and Performing Arts
    Northern Illinois University
    1425 W. Lincoln Hwy.
    DeKalb, IL 60115

    Please email Kristin at ksherman2@niu.edu if you have any questions on the audition submission format.